The Types of Businesses That Xccept Can Help


When it comes to its free processing services, Xccept wants to be able and help a variety of businesses. This is because they know that every company runs uniquely and has its own demands. Credit card companies can charge high processing fees that can cause companies to lose money. Because customer’s transactions come with a small service charge, Xccept takes those fees and pays them for you.

Over time, Xccept has adapted to help even the most niche of fields. Along with more standard businesses like retail and restaurants, Xccept can help if you work in the following areas.


As technology continues to enhance, the internet has become one of the most important sources of shopping. With the recent COVID-19 pandemic making everyone stay at home, etail has become all the more prominent. As you can expect, eCommerce businesses can only accept cards, so using processing services is truly a necessity.

Since so many people will be using their cards, you might be worried about data breaches. At Xccept, they offer fraud protection services to ensure that your customers don’t get their information stolen. Not only that, but because every transaction uses cards, processing fees can become pricey for you if you don’t use the right services. Xccept will guarantee that your monthly bottom line is much higher!

High Risk

This business model is considered “high risk” due to the industries or products it services. This can include an array of things, such as adult films, CBD, and multilevel marketing. Though still rare, these types of companies are more susceptible to failing. Because of this, it is essential that they have the best technology to help them save money that can keep them afloat in the long run.

Xccept does not care that your business is shakier than others that they help. They are still happy to be your mediator when it comes to working with credit card companies. You have enough things on your plate to think about, and extra fees should not be one of them.

Small Businesses

Only some people are part of a big corporation, and for many, their businesses might be more localized. Though many might continue to rely heavily on cash-based transactions, it is important that small businesses take an enormous step into the modern area as more people choose to use cards for payments. If you continue only to accept cash, you will frustrate possible clients and lose money.

Working with Xccept not only means free processing, but it also means that you get a simple-to-use machine that you can install. Once approved by Xccept, your machine will be shipped to you by the next day, and you can call their team to help you if you have any concerns about how to use it. Because there are never software updates, you will never need to turn away customers either while it reboots!

Who Does Xccept Not Help?

Even though they want to be an asset for many businesses, there are a few types of fields that Xccept will not be a partner with. This is due to certain classifications that can be even shakier than high-risk businesses or are illegal. Xccept also holds high standards and wants to ensure all of its clients are treated fairly and ethically.

To be approved by Xccept, business owners are required to have a Visa or a legal Social Security Number. Businesses also must be based in America. Other businesses Xccept cannot help are:

  • Bitcoin
  • Forex
  • Marijuana
  • Gambling
  • Discriminatory Services

Xccept’s services are entirely legal for all 50 states of America. Even if the chance at free processing sounds like a dream, they guarantee that what they offer your business is real and of no risk to you. If you think your business is classified as one of their accepted models, get in contact with their team immediately.

Don’t let the costs of working with a credit card company keep your business from meeting its full potential. Working with Xccept truly offers you an array of advantages that will keep you on the right track.