Best Ways to Improve Your Home Office


If you’re a freelancer or business owner, chances are you have a home office. And if so, you know how important it is to make sure your home office is as comfortable and efficient as possible.

Whether you want to be more productive with your work or just want to impress clients and business associates with your majestic workspace, there are plenty of ways to improve your home office environment – both physically and digitally. So whether you’re looking for ergonomic furniture or improved WiFi connectivity, here’s how to get started:

Invest in a Standing Desk

A standing desk is an excellent way to improve your home office. It’s great for your health, better for your posture, and will make you more productive.

Standing desks allow you to stand while working, which helps to improve circulation and reduce the likelihood of developing back pain or other chronic conditions.

For many people who have had a sedentary lifestyle for years or even decades, standing can be uncomfortable at first; but most people adjust within a few days or weeks.

The benefits are not limited to physical health either; studies show that standing desks can also increase energy levels and focus by making it easier for your body to transition between various positions throughout the day—you aren’t stuck in one position all day long! This transition may also help improve mood too since it keeps things interesting during work hours.

Build a Garden Room

A garden room is a great way to add extra space to your home. It’s also a great way to make the most of your yard, especially if you don’t have much of it. You can build a garden room in your backyard or front yard, and it can be used for many different things that fit within its design and purpose. Alternatively, you can have one built by a company that specializes in building garden offices, such as Shomera Garden Rooms.

Adding more space will help you get more done in less time, which makes it an excellent choice for increasing productivity at work.

Get Comfortable with as Much Light as Possible

The first step to getting comfortable with as much light as possible is to take a look at the natural lighting your home office has to offer. Are there windows? If so, how much direct sunlight do they get? Is it an overcast day or a bright and sunny one? All of these factors will help you determine what type of artificial lighting you’ll need for your space.

As far as artificial lights go, consider what kind of bulbs are being used throughout your home office—not just from a cost perspective but also from an environmental one (you don’t want to be wasting power).

Since most people like their rooms brightly lit during the day and dimmer at night, look into replacing halogen bulbs with LEDs and CFLs (compact fluorescent lamps). These are more efficient than traditional incandescent bulbs and last longer—and if you’re feeling really ambitious about saving money on electricity costs, invest in some solar-powered versions too!

Invest in Some High-Quality Office Furniture

Invest in some high-quality office furniture.

You don’t have to spend a fortune on your office furniture, but it’s worthwhile to invest in items that are well made and durable.

This is especially true if you’re working at home full time, where the amount of use your furniture will get can be much higher than an average desk job. If possible, try out different models before buying at a store or online—you’ll want to be sure you’re getting something that feels good under your butt and doesn’t distract you when working through long hours.

Choose wisely: buy from brands with good return policies, or buy from a store with a generous return policy (like Amazon). If possible, also consider buying used items from Craigslist or eBay; there are lots of deals out there if you know what kind of thing(s) you’re looking for!

Install Some Organizational Wall Units

Organizational wall units are a great way to add storage to any room in the house. Wall units make it easy to organize your most-used items, especially if they are in an area that is hard to reach or see.

They can be used for storing books, files, documents and other materials that you need access to frequently. You can also use them as a catchall for things like keys, mail and small pieces of miscellaneous stuff.

Assess Your WiFi Signal Strength and Speed

You’ve probably heard that one of the best ways to improve your home office is by boosting its WiFi signal. The good news is that there are several simple and easy ways to do this, depending on your budget and technical skills.

One way to increase your home office WiFi signal strength is with an antenna, which will help extend the range of your router’s signal so you can get better coverage throughout your entire house (or apartment). If you want a professional-looking setup for under $30, consider installing an omni-directional antenna.

  • Another option for improving wireless connectivity in your home office is upgrading from 2.4GHz 802.11n Wi-Fi technology to 5GHz 802.11ac MIMO (Multi Input Multi Output) technology—this can be done either by changing out the router or buying new equipment (which may necessitate hiring someone with experience installing such systems).


As you can see, there are plenty of ways to make your home office a place where you want to be. Even though there are some things we can’t control—like the weather—we do have control over the other aspects of our day-to-day lives. And when it comes down to it, creating an environment that feels good is one of the most important parts of improving our productivity and happiness at work. So start with these tips today!